Friday, March 6, 2020

How to Get Your Child Ahead of the Rest

How to Get Your Child Ahead of the Rest When the word education is mentioned usually there are positive intentions in mind. In America today the demand for education is growing exponentially, because of growing demand the competition for college placement is fierce. To stay a step ahead of the rest in the professional world, your child will need more than an average bachelors degree. Currently securing a job in the United States requires a superior education. The professional business services industry (knowledge based) is expanding in the US, it has grown from 14 million in 1997 to 18 million in 2007, this statistical change demonstrates a shift in industry dominance. The manufacturing industry (labor intensive) at one time employing most Americans is decreasing in size dramatically. Manufacturing jobs have decreased by more than 2 million in a single decade. This trend is not slowing, in the US the scale is tipping drastically towards a dominant knowledge based industry. Soon concerns for your child’s level of education may weigh you down like a ton of bricks. Thirty years ago a bachelors degree would equal a steady career and bright future for the young graduate, today, a bachelors degree might not even get your foot in the door. Parents today must contribute to their child’s education, now, more than ever. College, which was once the final step towards a good career is now only the beginning. Though competition is heated, a college degree is necessary step in the right direction. The graph below provided by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, depicts is a significant correlation between employment and earnings and your child’s education. The best option for parents is to start early and look to engage their child in extra educational activities outside of the classroom. As the United States moves towards a knowledge based society and an exclusively educated workforce many will be left in the trenches. The public school system is in a hole of their own, today our government, school districts, teachers, and parents are looking towards privatized education to better facilitate youth education. Many of these services have always been available; charter schools, private schools, tutoring services, and homeschooling all of these options may be a parents chance to keep their child competitive in today’s “graduation hat race.” Starting your child in a program outside of the classroom can help them perform better within the classroom as well. If children can succeed better at lower levels where education tends to be less expensive then they have a better chance of earning a valuable scholarship for higher education. Don’ wait until it is to late for your child to achieve at the highest level take the right road to educate your child beyond the boundaries of the public school system. Another great way to help your child learn is to integrate fun with education because learning should be an enjoyable activity. Take your child to an art gallery, museum, music center, performing arts theater, or zoo, here kids have an opportunity to learn without even being aware they are. This type of experience might motivate your child’s educational interests for science, history, math, physics, music, and or art.

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